Yet Another Poll Finds 65 Percent Support Marcellus Drilling Tax/Fee

A new poll by Franklin & Marshall College released Wednesday found 65 percent of adults in Pennsylvania support a tax/fee on Marcellus Shale natural gas drillers. 72 percent of those surveyed opposed more natural gas drilling in state-owned forests. Other poll results-- 
-- 72 percent believe proceeds from a drilling tax should be shared by both the state and local communities where drilling takes place; 
-- 35 percent feel natural gas drilling has improved PA quality of life; 
-- 39 percent believe benefits of drilling outweigh environmental damage; 
-- 35 percent say potential damage from drilling outweighs economic benefits; 
-- 53 percent of Pennsylvanians believe the state is headed in the wrong direction; and 
-- 32 percent approve of Gov. Corbett's performance, up 1 percent from March.
            This poll is just the most recent showing overwhelming and historic support by Pennsylvania voters and the public for a natural gas severance tax or fee.

 NewsClips: Poll: 65 Percent Of Pennsylvanians Favor Tax On Gas Drillers

                  PA Residents Like Gas Industry, Worry About Environment 


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