Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Reactivating Regional Office Roundtables

The Department of Environmental Protection is now in the process of reactivating the six Regional Roundtables to improve communication with the public and stakeholders. The Roundtables were, in many cases, allowed to go dormant during the Rendell Administration.
            The Roundtables were created during the Thornburgh, Casey, Ridge and Schweiker Administrations in each of DEP's six major Regional Offices: Norristown, Wilkes-Barre, Williamsport, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Meadville.
            Here's the current status of each Roundtable and a contact person--
-- Southwest Regional Office (Pittsburgh): This Roundtable just had their first meeting, future meetings are planned for October 13, November 10 and January 13.  Contact: Holly Cairns, 412- 442-4116;
-- Northwest Regional Office (Meadville): Future meetings are planned for November 10, February 9, April 12, June 14. Contact: Freda Tarbell, 814-332-6816;
-- Southcentral Regional Office (Harrisburg): The next meeting is September 19 starting at 10 a.m. .  Contact: Jeff Whalen, 717-705-4921;
-- Northcentral Regional Office (Williamsport): This Roundtable meets quarterly the next meeting is set for October 17 at 7:00 p.m..  Contact: Dan Spadoni, 570-327-3659;
-- Southeast Regional Office (Norristown): This Roundtable has been active, but future meetings have not yet been scheduled. Contact: Lynda Rebarchak, 484-250-5820; and 
-- Northeast Regional Office (Wilkes-Barre): This Roundtable has not be active for some time, but is scheduled to be reactivated soon.
            Please RSVP to the contact person if you plan to attend a meeting to make sure they have a room large enough to accomodate the meeting.
            Reactivating the Roundtables is being done under the auspices of Alisa Harris, Deputy Secretary for External Affairs.


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