Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Sen. Scarnati Calls For Republican Leadership On Marcellus Shale Other Issues

Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati (R-Jefferson) told a Pennsylvania Press Club audience Monday Senate Republican priorities for the fall legislative session include: reapportionment and redistricting, "rocks and roads"-- Marcellus Shale drilling fee and related environmental legislation and transportation infrastructure funding.
           Bottom line, Sen. Scarnati said, "We need real leaders to show Pennsylvanians Republicans can lead this state."
            He noted the House and Gov. Corbett may have other priorities.
            Sen. Scarnati said reapportionment was the only thing that absolutely had to get done this fall and thought they would meet the legal deadline.  He said he supported Sen. Pileggi's (R-Delaware) electoral voting reform measure as a co-sponsor because it helped voters in "the T," Pennsylvania's Republican mid-section.
            On the Marcellus Shale drilling fee, Sen. Scarnati said a proposal generating about $200 million a year was the "sweet spot" in the debate, noting some Democratic proposals would be equivalent to a moratorium on drilling.
            But he added, "I am tired of being here, holding the bag, year after year, trying to get this done.  October is the timeline I'd like to work in."
            The Senator said he thought Gov. Corbett's recent comments accepting a drilling fee were a step in the right direction.
            He said he felt the drilling fee and proposals to address safety and environmental concerns would move through the Senate as one package.  He also opposed having off-setting reductions in other state taxes to compensate for a new drilling fee saying those tax revenues were needed to off-set impacts in other areas of the state.
            Sen. Scarnati did say there was a need to address local zoning regulations on drilling operations and thought incentives for the conversion of school buses and other public transportation to natural gas made sense.
            On transportation funding, Sen. Scarnati noted the Governor's Transportation Funding Commission made very specific recommendations on where to get more funding, which he said is particularly needed in rural parts of the state where a closed bridge could force a 30 minute detour.  
            Sen. Scarnati said he was not opposed to leveraging liquor store privatization for a drilling fee or broadening Small Games of Chance to help fund transportation improvements, because that's the way businesses is done.  He said he was not opposed to privatization, but said the public needs to understand what it really means.
            On school vouchers, Sen. Scarnati said it would be a big lift to get a vouchers bill to the Governor's desk this fall, noting the Senate was due to pass some school reform legislation this week.
            NewsClips: Corbett Set To Announce Marcellus Shale Bill Monday
                                Scarnati Takes Aim At Corbett, Liquor Store Privatization
                                Top Senator Takes Aim At Corbett, Liquor
                                Scarnati: No More Fracking Around On Drilling Fee
                                Scarnati Wants Marcellus Bill By October
                                Scarnati's Priorities: Redistricting, Drilling Fee, Roads
                                Top Lawmaker Wary Of Loss From Liquor Privatization
                                GOP Leader Says Corbett Working On Shale Impact Fee

                                Op-Ed: Marcellus Fee Is In Our Future, Let's Get It Done Right
                                Editorial: Liquor, Natural Gas, Keep Issues Separate

Note: Press reports Friday indicated Gov. Corbett will announce all or part of his Marcellus Shale package on Monday, October 3.


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