Calendar Of Events
Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW means new from last week. Go to the online Calendar webpage.
Click on Agenda Released on calendar entries to see the NEW meeting agendas published this week. October 12-- Agenda Released. Public Utility Commission Special Electric Reliability & Storm Response Forum. Hearing Room 1, Keystone Office Building from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
October 12-- House Democratic Policy Committee holds a hearing on Marcellus Shale air quality issues. Delaware County Community College. 10:00.
October 12-- Agenda Released. DEP Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:30.
October 13-- Forestry Task Force, Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee, meeting Celebration Hall, 2280 Commercial Blvd., State College. 10:00.
October 13-- NEW. DEP Southwest Regional Office Roundtable meeting. DEP Southwest Regional Office, Waterfront A & B, 500 Waterfront Dr. 10:30. Contact Holly Cairns at 412-442-4116 or send email to: (formal notice)
October 13-- Agenda Released. DEP Radiation Protection Advisory Committee meeting. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.
October 17-- Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee featuring a presentation by Reclamere on Pennsylvania's new electronic recycling law. Room G-50 Irvis Building. Noon.
October 18-- NEW. House Tourism and Recreation Development Committee holds a hearing on House Bill 63 (Hanna-D-Centre) further providing for snowmobile registration and fees. Room B-31. 9:00.
October 21-- CANCELED. Delaware River Basin Commission meeting to consider finalizing Marcellus Shale drilling regulations. West Trenton, NJ. 1:00. (formal notice)
October 21-- DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice)
October 21-- NEW. PA Energy Development Authority meeting. 16th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. (formal notice)
October 25-- NEW. House Tourism and Recreational Development Committee holds an informational meeting on PA's Heritage Areas. Room 60 East Wing. 10:00.
October 26-- DEP Ohio Regional Water Resources Committee meeting. Dogwood Forum, Sevens Springs Resort, Seven Springs. 10:00. (formal notice)
October 27-- Agenda Released. DEP Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.
November 10-- NEW. DEP Southwest Regional Office Roundtable meeting. DEP Southwest Regional Office, Waterfront A & B, 500 Waterfront Dr. 10:30. Contact Holly Cairns at 412-442-4116 or send email to: (formal notice)
November 21-- NEW. Delaware River Basin Commission meeting to consider finalizing Marcellus Shale drilling regulations. West Trenton, NJ. 10:00. (formal notice) December 2-- CANCELED. DEP State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater Systems Operators meeting. It has been rescheduled to December 13. (formal notice)
December 6-- DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice)
December 13-- DEP State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater Systems Operators meeting. 10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice)
January 12-- NEW. DEP Southwest Regional Office Roundtable meeting. DEP Southwest Regional Office, Waterfront A & B, 500 Waterfront Dr. 10:30. Contact Holly Cairns at 412-442-4116 or send email to: (formal notice)
You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.
10/10/2011 |
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