Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Public-Private Partnership Delivers Public Water To Ease Well Contamination

To replace water wells contaminated by dry-cleaning chemicals, Pennsylvania American Water, Department of Environmental Protection and East Pikeland Township Thursday announced an agreement that will bring public water service to 17 East Pikeland Township residences in Chester County. 
            Since 2000, DEP has been providing bottled water and maintaining in-home water treatment systems to the residents along Camp Council Road, where the chemical PCE was discovered in private water wells. The approximately $260,000 project will extend water main from Pennsylvania American Water’s adjacent system to supply the affected residents with quality drinking water. 
            “This project is the result of the public-private partnership that we formed with DEP and East Pikeland officials to bring a solution to these residents who have lived without safe, clean water for many years,” said Brian Hassinger, manager of field operations for Pennsylvania American Water. 
            “DEP is pleased to be a partner in this project,” Southeast Regional Director Joseph A. Feola said.   “Extension of the East Pikeland water line will ensure a clean and safe drinking water supply to these impacted residents.” 
            Under the agreement, Pennsylvania American Water is contributing approximately $106,000 toward the project, with a grant from DEP subsidizing the remainder of the construction costs. The residents will become Pennsylvania American Water customers once the pipeline is completed. 
            Starting the week of October 24, crews will install approximately 850 feet of 10-inch ductile iron pipe along Camp Council Road to extend service to the affected homes. Crews will work weekdays between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., with limited traffic disruptions during construction. The project is expected to be completed by the end of November, weather permitting.


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