Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Rep. Ellis Proposes Governor's Marcellus Language, Transfers From Oil & Gas Fund

Late Friday, Rep. Brian Ellis (R-Butler) began circulating a co-sponsorship memo announcing his plan to introduce Marcellus Shale drilling fee and environmental protection legislation largely based on Gov. Corbett's proposals.
            The proposal would give counties the option of adopting a drilling fee of up to $40,000 per well the first year, decreasing to at most $10,000 per well in four years with the same distribution of revenues-- 75 percent for local governments and 25 percent for state agencies.
            Where it differs from the Governor's proposal is in proposing transfers from DCNR's Oil and Gas Fund to support programs such as Growing Greener, the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Program, county conservation districts and the in-lieu of tax payments under the Forest Reserves Municipal Relief Program.
            With respect to environmental protection, Rep. Ellis said he would be introducing the Governor's proposals for increasing setbacks from streams, water wells and other gas wells, increasing bond amounts and requiring inspections of erosion and sedimentation control measures prior to drilling a well.
            Click Here for a copy of Rep. Ellis' co-sponsor memo.  Click Here for the Environmental Protection language circulated by the Governor's Office.  Click Here for the county fee language circulated by the Governor's Office.
            This proposal from Rep. Ellis is significantly different from a drilling fee proposal he introduced in June-- House Bill 1715-- which called for a uniform statewide fee starting at $25,000 per well with the proceeds divided between counties, other local governments and school districts hosting Marcellus drilling.


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