Scrapbook Photo 12/02/24 - 90 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Releases Impact Report On Fukushima Nuclear Accident

The Department of Environmental Protection Wednesday announced the completion of its Fukushima Nuclear Accident Report, which highlights DEP’s response and findings regarding air and water sources, and the public’s health and safety after the March 11 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi facility in Japan.
            “The report shows that DEP’s Bureau of Radiation Protection and Bureau of Water Management were key in our diagnosis and response to this event,” DEP Secretary Mike Krancer said. “The Fukushima event never threatened Pennsylvania, and the samples taken never exceeded DEP’s normal standards.”
            The report includes results of air, precipitation, drinking water, surface water and milk sampling. DEP promptly conducted sampling and monitoring to determine whether Iodine-131, an element released in Fukushima’s radioactive release, was present in the sources. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also conducted air samples, using the agency’s RadNet monitoring stations.
            Relying on previous experience with nuclear accidents, DEP’s monitoring program was built on an extensive network of radiation-monitoring programs already in place at Pennsylvania’s five nuclear facilities. DEP increased sampling in these programs, added additional monitoring programs for surface water resources and drinking water, and reviewed laboratory data analyses.
            During testing and monitoring, DEP worked with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, EPA and the state Department of Health to ensure the public was accurately informed.
            A copy of the report is available online.


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