Insurance Department: November Peak Deer-Vehicle Crash Season

October through December is the busiest time of the year for vehicle crashes involving deer, the Insurance Department Thursday reminded Pennsylvania motorists.
           “Consumers have the option to carry additional coverage on their auto policy which pays to repair any deer-related damage to your car,” said state Insurance Commissioner Mike Consedine. “If you have comprehensive coverage with your policy, your claim will be covered, minus the deductible.”
            While most deer collisions are not severe enough to injure people, PennDOT data shows more than 3,100 people were injured and 43 others died in the more than 14,000 deer-strike crashes reported to the agency between 2006 and 2010.
            Follow these tips to reduce your risk of striking a deer while behind the wheel:
-- Drive with caution in areas known for having large deer populations and in areas where roads divide fields and forests;
-- Select more major, well-lit routes if there are alternative routes to travel;
-- Allow adequate space between cars to increase braking ability if a deer leaps out;
-- When possible, use your high-beam lights to maximize your field of view;
-- Be on the lookout for multiple deer running in a herd – wherever there is one deer, there are usually others nearby; and
-- Always wear your seatbelt – most people injured in deer-related crashed were not wearing their seat belts.
            Hitting a deer should not impact your auto policy premium because the driver generally is not at fault in this type of crash.


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