Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Penn State Extension Water Resources Video Webpage Has Helpful Advice

The Penn State Extension Water Resources webpage is a great resource for timely and easy to use information on a variety of water-related issues.
            Topics under Water Conservation begin with Why Conserve Water?, which offers information on the importance of water conservation and offers tips on reducing your water usage. Specific recommendations are offered in Saving Water in the Home and Saving Water Outside the Home. Benefits from Water Conservation  brings home the message, “saving water saves energy which saves money.”
            The Pond Management series focuses on the number one problem that pond owners wrestle with, control of nuisance vegetation. Pond Ecology and the Role of Aquatic Plants, Getting to Know Your Pond, Causes and Prevention of Aquatic Plant and Algae Growth, Aquatic Plant Identification, Chemical Control of Invasive Aquatic Plants, Biological Control of Aquatic Plants, and Physical Control of Aquatic Plants provide an overview of different aspects of aquatic plant management.
            The Private Water Systems videos provide valuable information for home owners with wells, cisterns, and springs. The series begins with Private Water System Basics and continues through Well, Spring, and Cistern Construction and Maintenance.
            The next two videos, Water Supply Testing and Protection and Solving Water Problems deal with the importance of well testing, what it tells you and how to use the information. Only about 50 percent of the wells, springs, and cisterns in Pennsylvania have been properly tested by a state-certified testing laboratory. As a result, homeowners are often unaware of many symptomless water quality problems. Once you identify pollutants in water through water testing, the next question is how to solve the problem. 
            The website offers publications to expand on the information presented in the videos that can be read online or printed for future reference or sharing.
            For more information, visit the Water Resources Video and Water Resources webpages.

(Written By: Diane Oleson, Extension Educator, York County, reprinted from Penn State Extension Watershed Winds online newsletter.)


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