PA Trout Unlimited Now Accepting Trout In The Classroom Grants
PA Council of Trout Unlimited is now accepting applications for Trout in the Classroom grants until February 24 for the 2012-2013 school year.
Trout in the Classroom is an interdisciplinary program in which students in grades 3rd through 12th learn about coldwater conservation while raising brook trout from eggs to fingerlings in a classroom aquarium. All classrooms end the year by releasing their trout into a state approved waterway.
Grants are available for the following:
-- Trout in the Classroom Start-Up Grants are awarded to applicants who are (501) c3 conservation organizations that have developed a partnership with a teacher. The start-up grant provides essential equipment necessary to start a Trout in the Classroom program. The grantee must provide a $350.00 cash match to Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited as well as a 55 gallon aquarium and lid to the classroom.
-- Trout in the Classroom Existing Grants are awarded to teachers and conservation organizations which have an existing program in place. The maximum value of this grant is $500 for specific replacement equipment, TIC support materials, i.e., books, videos, multi-media), and classroom field trip expenses.
Pennsylvania’s statewide TIC program is made possible through a unique partnership between PA Council of Trout Unlimited, Fish and Boat Commission and Department of Education Environmental and Ecology section.
Funding for this opportunity was provided by PA Council of Trout Unlimited, Fish and Boat Commission and Department of Education’s Environment and Ecology section.
Grant applications and additional program information are available on the PA Trout in the Classroom website. For more information, contact Samantha Kutskel at 814-359-5114 or send email to:
12/26/2011 |
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