Goddard Forum In April To Focus On Marcellus Shale Drilling Impacts On Forests

“Oil and Gas Development Impacts on Forested Ecosystems: Research and Management Challenges” will be examined April 9-10 as part of the Pennsylvania State University Goddard Forum, University Park.
           The conference seeks to join scientists, managers, conservation organizations, and industry representatives who are working with oil and gas development to share research results and management strategies.
            Call For Presentations
            Presentations by both managers and scientists are encouraged. Topics should include the full range of forest issues, including landscape modification, forest water, air, habitat, roads, timber supply, and recreation impacts, invasive species, noise, landscape restoration, management and monitoring strategies, and other topics focused on forests.
            Attendees wishing to offer papers must submit proposals by January 27. Include title, names and affiliations of all authors, and contact information for the primary author with an abstract of no more than 350 words. Submit abstract by email to: forestoilgasresearch@fs.fed.us. Authors will receive notice of acceptance by February 15.

(Reprinted from the December 21 DCNR Resource online newsletter.)


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