Manure-To-Energy Summit Report Available From Chesapeake Bay Commission

The Chesapeake Bay Commission this week released a summary report on the Manure-To-Energy Summit it held in September.
            With over 140 experts in attendance from the Chesapeake Bay region and beyond, the Summit focused not just on the different technologies that are emerging, but more importantly on the public policies that could help to get more of these technologies on the ground in the near term.
            Specifically, the report describes 14 different policy options within three categories: assist market entry; finance for maximum benefit; and support effective use of by-products.
            "Pennsylvania is already a regional leader in on-farm energy production," according to Marel Raub, Pennsylvania Director for the Commission.  "However, additional action is needed to fully realize the potential economic and environmental benefits of manure-to-energy systems.  We look forward to working with stakeholders to identify and promote the best strategies for our Commonwealth."
            A copy of the report is available online.


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