DEP Secretary Lauds Underground, Deep Coal Mine Industry On Zero Fatalities
2011 marked the second straight year without a work-related fatality in Pennsylvania's underground and coal mining industries, Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Mike Krancer announced Wednesday.
He noted that a combination of increased oversight, industry practices and a vigilant labor force played a crucial role in this safety achievement.
"The mining industry is a vibrant and vital part of Pennsylvania's economy, and the safety of the workers is paramount," Krancer said. "We are proud to be the world's leader in mining safety, and we are particularly proud of Pennsylvania's contribution to that. I applaud the efforts of the industry, both management and labor, in working with state and federal regulators to continue to protect the men and women who work in our mines."
More than 30 months have passed since a work-related fatality occurred at a coal or underground mining operation in Pennsylvania. Nationwide, there were 37 work-related fatalities in the mining industry in 2011; the second-lowest annual total since tracking first began in 1910, according to the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration.
Pennsylvania is the nation's fourth-largest coal-producing state and is a leader in producing crushed aggregate, such as limestone.
Legislation passed in 2008, after all nine trapped miners were successfully rescued from Quecreek Mine in Somerset County, established the Board of Mine Safety in 2009. The board, which includes representation from state regulators, mining management and labor, has authority to develop new regulations to reflect changing technology and federal requirements. Prior to the board's creation, only specific legislative action could strengthen the state's regulatory oversight.
DEP's Bureau of Mine Safety works to ensure that all miners return home safely at the end of each shift.
For more information, visit the DEP Bureau of Mine Safety webpage.
1/23/2012 |
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