Sustainable Energy Fund: PPL At Fault For Failed Time Of Use Program

The Sustainable Energy Fund filed testimony Thursday with the Public Utility Commission asserting that PPL Electric is at fault for the failed Time of Use program.
            In addition, Sustainable Energy Fund is recommending the Commission order PPL Electric hire a third party to create and administer a new program.  
            "PPL Electric's current program has failed; and even though the program failed, PPL Electric did not analyze its historical programs or the proposed program or conduct a detailed examination of other utility programs," stated John Costlow, Sustainable Energy Fund's Director of Technical Services. He continued, "This is a repeat of 2009, when the Commission found PPL Electric failed to sufficiently analyze its program."
            Act 129 of 2008 requires large Electric Distribution Companies in Pennsylvania to offer Time of Use programs for their customers. Program participation by electric customers is voluntarily. The participating customers pay higher prices for electricity usage during periods of high "on-peak" electricity usage and lower prices for electricity during periods of low usage, "off-peak."
            In theory, these programs seek to improve the economic efficiency of the electric system by decreasing usage during peak periods and thereby offering electric customers the least cost electricity over time.
            PPL Electric has run various Time of Use programs, including pilots, since 2002. PPL Electric's current Time of Use program experienced a mass exodus of participants since the summer and had an under recovery of more than 1.8 million dollars in November 2011.
            PPL Electric is currently proposing a new Time of Use program for 2012, in which Sustainable Energy Fund has intervened.
            "PPL Electric has failed to exercise a 'good faith' effort to design and administer Time of Use programs to effectuate the intent of Act 129," stated Mr. Costlow. He continued, "It is time for a third party to take over the program. PPL Electric should foot the bill for the third party, not their customers. PPL Electric failed, not its customers," stated Mr. Costlow.


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