Executive Deputy John Hines Leaving DEP

John Hines, Executive Deputy Secretary for Programs at the Department of Environmental Protection will leaving his position on February 17 to pursue an opportunity in the private sector.
          John has worked for DEP since 1993 and was appointed Executive Deputy in January 2011 by Gov. Tom Corbett.  He has served for more than a decade in various other senior management and executive positions within DEP, including as Deputy Secretary for Water Management.
            Prior to his appointment as Deputy for Water Management, John served as Executive Director of DEP’s Water Planning Office and as the Acting Director of Watershed Management. In this capacity he oversaw activities related to nonpoint source pollution management, stormwater management, water allocation and planning, conservation districts, interstate river basin commissions, estuary programs, national organizations, state water planning efforts, coastal resource management and overall water management budgeting and internal program development. 
            John served as the lead negotiator for DEP in the final stage of the passage of the Water Resources Planning Act (Act 220 of 2002). He was also critical to the drafting of Annex 2001 that was signed by the eight Great Lakes States and the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. 
            He also took a leadership role in the development of Pennsylvania’s strategy to revive the Chesapeake Bay.  Most recently, he helped to draft and implement the reorganization of the department. 
            In an email announcing John's resignation, DEP Secretary Michael Krancer said, "John's insight, sound judgment and rapport with coworkers, the regulated community and all the stakeholders we serve, is well recognized.   I have worked with John for only a year and I have seen it.  Many others have too over the years.  John has won numerous awards and accolades from the constituents he serves.  Join me in wishing him well and much success in his new endeavors."
            A Presidential Scholar, John holds a Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences and a Masters Degree in Geography and Regional Planning from the California University of Pennsylvania.
            A native of Greene County, he currently resides in Palmyra, Lebanon County, with his wife, Amy, and his children, Alexis and Matthew.


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