Calendar Of Events
Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW means new from last week. Go to the online Calendar webpage. February 6-- House Labor and Industry Committee meets to consider House Bill 1543 (Milne-R-Chester) exempting projects by nonprofit historical organizations or land conservancies from prevailing wage. Room 302 Irvis Building. 10:00.
February 6-- Senate Republican Policy Committee holds a hearing on the impact of oil refinery closings on fuel supplies. Room 156. 10:00. (Will be streamed live online.)
February 7-- Governor's Budget Address. Noonish.
February 7-- NEW. Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meeting to consider Senate Bill 1324 (Yaw-R-Bradford) quieting mineral property title rights, Senate Bill 1386 (Vogel-R-Beaver) repealing the requirement for low-RVP gasoline in the Pittsburgh region and Stage II vapor controls, Senate Bill 1398 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne) extending the Underground Storage Tank Environmental Cleanup Program from 2012 to 2017, House Bill 1813 (Tobash-R-Schuylkill) further providing for anthracite reclamation fees and guarantees. Room 8E-B East Wing. 9:30.
February 7-- Location Change. House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee meets to consider House Bill 2059 (Miller-R-York) amending the Agricultural Area Security Law to provide for the inspection of agricultural conservation easements on at least a biennial basis, House Bill 2106 (Ross-R-Chester) further providing for the relinquishment of the right to farmland preservation. Room 205 Ryan Building. 10:00.
February 8-- House Tourism and Recreational Development Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 469 (Argall-R-Schuylkill) further providing for relief of liability by landowners who open their lands to walking, jogging, bicycling and horse riding trails. Room B-31. 10:00.
February 8-- NEW. Senate Local Government Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1261 (Erickson-R-Delaware) further providing for stormwater management by municipal authorities. Room 461. 9:30.
February 9-- CANCELED. DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Rescheduled for March 14 in Room 105 Rachel Carson Building at 9:15. (formal notice)
February 13-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30 - Governor's Budget Office; 1:00 - Independent Fiscal Office Economic Outlook and Revenue Overview. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 14-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30 - Department of General Services; 1:00 - Public Utility Commission. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 15-- NEW. Joint Legislative Budget & Finance Committee meeting to release report on Game Commission compliance with its strategic plan. Hearing Room 3, North Office Building. 10:00.
February 15-- CANCELED. DEP Agricultural Advisory Board meeting. Next scheduled meeting is April 18. (formal notice)
February 16-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 1:00 - State Police/ Homeland Security; 3:00 - Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 16-- Susquehanna River Basin Commission meeting on water withdrawal, consumption requests. Room 8E-B East Wing. 2:30. (formal notice with Agenda)
February 21-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30 - Global Economy; 11:00 - Independent Fiscal Office; 1:30 - Department of Revenue. Room 140.
February 21-- Agenda Released. DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 11:30.
February 22-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30 - Department of Environmental Protection; 1:00 - Department of Transportation. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 27-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00 - Public Utility Commission; 11:00 - Office of Consumer Advocate, Small Business Advocate. Room 140.
February 28-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 1:00 - Department of Agriculture. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 28-- Agenda Change. House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30 - Department of Agriculture; 10:30 - Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; [delete- 1:30 - Department of Environmental Protection]. Room 140.
February 29-- Senate Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30 - PA Emergency Management Agency. Hearing Room 1, North Office.
February 29-- House Game and Fisheries Committee informational meeting on Fish and Boat Commission's Annual Report. Room 39 East Wing. 10:00.
February 29-- Agenda Change. House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30 - Department of Transportation; add- 3:00 - Department of Environmental Protection. Room 140.
March 1-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00 Department of Labor & Industry; 1:00 - Department of Community and Economic Development. Room 140.
March 6-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 9:30 - State Police/Office of Homeland Security; 11:00 - PA Emergency Management Agency; 3:00 - Department of General Services. Room 140.
March 7-- House Game and Fisheries Committee informational meeting on Game Commission's Annual Report. Room 39 East Wing. 10:00.
March 8-- House Appropriations Committee budget hearings: 10:00 - Budget Secretary; 1:00 - House Member Testimony. Room 140.
March 14-- NEW. DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:15. (formal notice)
March 26-- Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee featuring a presentation by DCNR Secretary Richard Allan. (Location to be determined) Noon.
Note: The Environmental Education Workshop Calendar is no longer available from the PA Center for Environmental Education because funding for the Center was eliminated in the FY 2011-12 state budget. The PCEE website was also shutdown, but some content was moved to the PA Association of Environmental Educators' website.
You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.
2/6/2012 |
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