Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Governor's Office published its semi-annual notice of proposed and new regulations state agencies will be considering in the next six months, including regulations for DEP, DCNR, Agriculture and other agencies under the Governor's jurisdiction. (PA Bulletin page 879)

The Environmental Quality Board published notice of proposed air quality regulations covering packaging printing presses and other printing operations for comment.

DEP Regulatory Agenda - DEP webpage

Technical Guidance & Permits

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of draft guidance on tracking financial guarantees and bond credits for comment, notice of certification requests under the Nutrient Credit Trading Programm, notice of rates used for calculating long-term costs for water supply replacement for mining operations

DEP ID: 563-2504-501. Qualifying, Processing, and Tracking Financial Guarantees and Bond Credits. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to evaluate, process and track remining financial guarantees and bond credits.

Technical Guidance Comment Deadlines - DEP webpage


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