Bill Action in the Senate and House

The budget, environmental education, hazardous sites cleanup, landfill permitting, hiking, stormwater planning, tire recycling and downtown redevelopment were all issues taken up in the Senate and House this week.

In the Senate

The Senate this week moved the general state budget bill-- House Bill 815 (Feese-R-Lycoming)— out and then back into Senate Appropriations to position the bill for action in June when budget negotiations begin in earnest. Democrats were concerned with the substance of the bill as it came over from the House because it added $110 million in new spending while significantly cutting the Revenue and Corrections departments.

Landfill Permitting: Senate Bill 197 (Rafferty-R-Montgomery) authorizing DEP to take multiple violations into account when considering landfill permits was referred to Appropriations.

Center for Environmental Ed: The Senate Appropriations Committee reported out Senate Bill 410 (M.White-R-Venango) establishing the PA Center for Environmental Education in law.

In the House

Hiking Week: House Resolution 184 (Rubley-R-Chester) designating May 28 through June 5 PA Hiking Week was passed by the House

Safe Boating: House Resolution 304 (Fairchild-R-Snyder) designating May 21-27 Safe Boating Week was adopted by the House.

Funding Hazardous Sites Cleanup: On a party-line vote, the Environmental Resources & Energy Committee reported out Senate Bill 149 (M.White-R-Venango) which restores the earmark from the Capital Stock and Franchise Tax for this program. The Rendell Administration opposed the bill saying it should be considered in the context of the overall budget discussions for the coming year. The bill was then referred to House Appropriations.

Tire Recycling: House Bill 1114 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne) further providing for the cleanup of waste tires was amended and reported out of House Environmental Resources and Energy and then referred to Appropriations.

Hold Harmless: House Bill 86 (Steil-R-Bucks) which authorizes state agencies to keep the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers free of certain liabilities was amended to include other project areas and reported out of House Environmental Resources & Energy and then referred to Appropriations.

Stormwater Planning: House Bill 88 (Steil-R-Bucks) authorizing certain counties and municipalities to develop stormwater management plans was referred to the House Appropriations Committee.

Main Street Program: House Bill 965 (Hickernell-R-Lancaster) expanding the definition of downtown area in the Main Street Program was referred to Appropriations.

Downtown Relocation: House Bill 218 (Reed-R-Indiana) redefining “downtown area” was referred to House Appropriations.

Zero Emission Vehicle Incentives: House Bill 220 (Reed-R-Indiana) establishing a career development tax credit was amended to remove provisions establishing a check off on income tax returns for military family relief and language exempting hybrid, electric and zero emission cars from the sales and use tax and was reported out of Senate Finance.


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