Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Awards Grants For Environmental Education And Stewardship

The Department of Environmental Protection announced Friday it is awarding $642,835 in environmental education grants to 147 schools, universities, non-profit organizations and conservation districts across Pennsylvania.
            “These grants help build the foundation for educating communities about their environmental resources and how to protect and sustainably use them,” DEP Secretary Mike Krancer said. “Teaching moments like these give all Pennsylvanians a better understanding of our beautiful state.”
            Grant recipients will use the funding for various initiatives, including environmental field trips for students, implementing environmental education curriculum at schools, purchasing new recycling containers to reduce waste, developing workshops on how to build rain barrels and planting community gardens.
            The grant program was established by the Environmental Education Act of 1993, which mandates setting aside five percent of the pollution fines and penalties DEP collects annually for environmental education in Pennsylvania.
            A list of grants awarded is available online.
            For more information, visit DEP's Environmental Education webpage, or call 717-772-1828.


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