Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
West Penn Power Whole House Energy Conservation Rebates Now Available

Residential customers of West Penn Power can earn up to $1,200 in rebates through a new home energy audit program. The Whole House Program also can help customers increase the comfort of their home while saving on their monthly energy bills.
            Contractors in the Whole House Program will visit participating customers' homes to identify potential energy efficiency improvements through a two-part, comprehensive home energy audit.      
            Using diagnostic testing and state-of-the-art home energy software, these contractors can predict energy savings for any number of possible home improvements, including air or duct sealing, insulation, duct insulation or the installation of new energy-efficient windows and doors. 
            Contractors will identify and recommend the most cost-effective strategies to reduce energy usage and increase the comfort level of the home.  Homeowners can then choose to make any or all of the recommended improvements. Energy savings are confirmed through a follow-up home energy audit after the improvements are made.
            For more information on the Whole House Program and other West Penn Power residential energy efficiency programs, visit the Energy Save PA website or call 1-888-265-6684.


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