Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--


Open Space: House Bill 2167 (Quigley-R-Montgomery) further providing for the preservation of open space by local governments was reported from the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House.  A summary and House Fiscal Note are available.  The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.

Stream Clearance: House Bill 2359 (Causer-R-Cameron) further providing for stream clearance of flood debris was reported from the House Appropriations Committee.  A summary and House Fiscal Note are available.  The bill now goes to the Senate for action.

Historic Tax Credit: Senate Bill 1150 (Smucker-R-Lancaster) providing for an historic preservation tax credit was reported from the House Appropriations Committee and is now on the House Calendar for action.

Storage Tank Cleanup: Senate Bill 1398 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne) extending the Storage Tank Cleanup Program was removed from the Table and referred to the House Appropriations Committee.

Energy Assistance: House Bill 1991 (Cutler-R-Lancaster) further providing for eligibility screening for energy conservation assistance was reported from the House Rules Committee, amended on the House Floor and referred to the House Appropriations Committee.


Flood Recovery: House Bill 1913 (Culver-R- Northumberland) providing for flood damage local property tax relief and passed by the Senate. A summary and Senate Fiscal Note are available.)  The bill now goes to the Governor for his action.

Flood Recovery II:  House Bill 1916 (Millard-R- Columbia) providing for an itemized list of public improvement project for flood protection and flood damage repair amended on the Senate Floor and returned to the House for a concurrence vote.

Private/Public Transportation Projects: House Bill 3 (Geist-R-Blair) authorizing public-private transportation projects was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.


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