Corbett Creates Sunset Task Force To Review Existing Boards, Commissions

On June 23 Gov. Corbett published notice of Executive Order 2012-09 issued on May 11 creating a Sunset Task Force to review existing boards and commissions created by executive order or statute under the control of the Governor to determine whether they still have value.

The Order specifically excludes review of the Public Utility Commission, Fish and Boat and Game Commissions, the Environmental Hearing Board, Liquor Control Board, Gaming Control Board and other commissions and boards.

Not excluded from Task Force review are these boards and commissions related to DEP: the Environmental Quality Board, Agricultural Advisory Board, Board of Coal Mine Safety, Coal and Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund Board, Energy Advisory Board, Environmental Justice Advisory Board, Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board, Nutrient Management Advisory Board, the State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater Systems Operators and the State Board for the Certification of Sewage Enforcement Officers.

The new Task Force is expected to report back to the Governor no later than May 13, 2013.


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