Register Now For Pennsylvania's Energy Future 2.0 September 5-6
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council will host Pennsylvania's Energy Future 2.0: Getting From Here To There on September 5-6 in Pittsburgh to explore issues related to developing the Commonwealth's energy resources. Featured speakers will include Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley and Mark Brownstein, Chief Counsel, Energy Program, Environmental Defense Fund. Pennsylvania contains some of the most abundant and diverse energy resources in the world. With the development of the Marcellus and Utica Shale natural gas reserves well underway, the challenge now is to develop an energy infrastructure that can accommodate the delivery of energy to end users most effectively. Energy production is only part of the equation. Now we must look ahead at delivering all that energy to the open market without unnecessarily impacting private property, public lands, parks, forests, protected open spaces, and other land assets throughout Pennsylvania. The PEC invites you to join us for this critical two-day conference that will assess how far Pennsylvania has come in developing its energy resources and turn to the future to meet the challenge of energy delivery. The agenda includes a distinguished lineup of highly qualified speakers on such topics as: Energy Delivery 101; Impacts of Energy Delivery Infrastructure; Energy Delivery Infrastructure Siting Process in Pennsylvania; Other State Models; Local Experience; What is the Role of Government and at What Level; and The Path Forward. As part of the run-up to the Conference, PEC invites comments on a special white paper which provides general background information on energy issues to stimulate a dialogue before the Conference. This critical two-day conference will bring together: State, county and municipal officials; land and policy planners; Energy resource industry; energy technology industry; academia; environmental policy organizations; and other stakeholders. Registration and other details are available on PEC's website. |
8/13/2012 |
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