August 28 South Mountain Lecture To Feature Snakes, Bats

Snakes and bats will be the topic of the next lecture in the South Mountain Speakers Series on August 26, at Kings Gap Environmental Education Center near Carlisle.

At 2 p.m., state wildlife biologists Aura Stauffer and Jim Chestney will present a free lecture entitled "Fierce Friends." 

"Snakes and bats are mysterious, elusive creatures that are sometimes misunderstood but play an important role in the ecology of the South Mountain region," Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Richard Allan said. "This is the story of their beneficial relationship with humans and their fierce fight for survival."

The biologists will describe the natural history and precarious future of these unique animals, based on a regional study of their critical habitats.

Several native snakes, including venomous species, will be displayed during a question and answer session at the end of the program.

This is the third year for the South Mountain Speakers Series, envisioned as a revival of the talks given by Joseph Rothrock in the late 19th century as part of his work to preserve and restore Pennsylvania's forests and natural landscape. 

Rothrock, a Pennsylvania native, was a pioneer in forest management in the United States and is often referred to as the state's "Father of Forestry."

This event is sponsored by DCNR, the Fish and Boat Commission and the South Mountain Partnership. The South Mountain Partnership, made up of private citizens, businesses, nonprofit organizations and government representatives in Adams, Cumberland, Franklin and York counties, works to protect and enhance the region's landscape.

The partnership was sparked by DCNR's Conservation Landscape Initiative, an effort to engage communities, local partners, state agencies and funding opportunities to conserve the high-quality natural and cultural resources while enhancing the region's economic viability.

The series will continue with "Keeping Fruit Healthy: Challenges to Keeping Food on Your Plate" on September 8 at the Penn State Extension Biglerville Research Station in Adams County.

For more information about the speaker series, visit the South Mountain Speakers Series Blog or call the Appalachian Trail Conservancy at 717-258-5771.

Some of the earlier lectures in the speaker series can now be found on the South Mountain Youtube webpage.


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