Budget/Quick Clips

Here's a selection of NewClips on environmental topics from around the state--


PA, Other Coal States Could Lose Millions In Reclamation Funds

Congress Could Move To Restore Coal Reclamation Funds

Coal Mine Cleanup Funds In Jeopardy

Drilling Impact Fees Raises More Than $200 Million

PA Gas Drillers Paying $200 Million In Fees For Wells

PA Shale Impact Fees Surpass Estimates

Drillers Pay Nearly $200 Million In 2011 Impact Fees

PA Impact Fee Will Generate More Than $200 Million

Natural Gas Firms Paid Nearly $200 Million In Fees

Shale Impact Fee Generates More Than Expected

PA Could Be Raising Twice As Much Revenue From Drilling

PUC Collects An Additional $4 Million In Drilling Fees

Editorial: State Still Short-Changed On Drilling Fees

State Mulls Disaster Relief Fund

Funding To Control Flooding Is Elusive


Op-Ed: Protecting The Environment Efficiently

Column: Making The Case Against Waste

Op-Ed: A Refinery Rescue Reconsidered

Grant Helps Butler Transit Build Natural Gas Refueling Station

Wyoming Wind Farm Generates New Income

PPL Power Line Construction Alters Landscape

PECO extends Freeze Of Overheating Smart Meters

Amish Notified Of Mining Plans In Indiana County

Hill District Green Innovation Project Moves Ahead

Businesses Seek Delay In Allegheny Air Toxic Guidelines

Editorial: Bringing Allegheny Air Code Up-To-Date

NRC investing Cleanup Of Armstrong Waste Site

EPA Awards Northampton County Brownfields Grant

Experts: Expect More Flooding As Temps Rise

Beautiful Day With Great Turnout For Philly GreenFest

Williams Township Repeals Conservation Ordinances

Proposal To Tax Outdoor Advertising Revived

Op-Ed: Rachel Carson, Killer Of Africans?

Op-Ed: Maurice Goddard Left Valuable Assets, Lessons

Christmas Trees Feeling The Heat This Year

Pittsburgh Botanic Garden Creates Space

Monarch Butterflies Set Record At Hawk Mountain

Owl Rescued In Erie Serves As Ambassador

Artists Preparing For Hawk Mountain Air Show Sept. 22-23

Cafe To Open Along Yorks Rail Trail

Great Allegheny Passage Trail Set For Spring Completion

Pittsburgh To Host 2014 Biking/Walking Conference

Biden: I Wish We Didnt Have To Be At Flight 93 Memorial

Number Of Visitors To Flight 93 Site Grow

Investigators Tell Of Emotions With Flight 93 Crash

Flight 93 Site To Teach 9/11 Story

Panetta Pays Homage To Heroes Of Flight 93

Post Service Honoring Flight 03

Editorial: America Remembers 9/11 As If We Never Changed


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