Scrapbook Photo 09/30/24 - 130 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
House Committee Holds Hearing On Protection Of Bats

The House Game and Fisheries Committee held a hearing Monday on expanding the protection of certain species of bats.

            Carl Roe, Executive Director of the Game Commission, told the Committee his agency would not be moving forward to draft regulatory changes to place three species of bats on the Commonwealth’s endangered species list. While some comments supported listing bats, Roe said more discussion, research and coordination need to be done before the agency takes such action.

“The Game Commission has sought to be more transparent and open about ideas that may be presented to our independent Board of Game Commissioners for consideration,” Roe said. “To that end, we recently solicited public comment through an announcement in the Pennsylvania Bulletin that we were considering actions to protect three species of bats being impacted by white-nose syndrome (WNS).

“We accepted and tabulated public comments far beyond the 30-day window and, based on that public comment, have decided that we will not be drafting any proposals to put before the Board to change the status of three bat species. More discussion, research and coordination needs to be done, and we now have many questions that we can add to those we had developed internally as we seek to manage the state’s wildlife resources.

 “Through this process, we heard from various wildlife organizations and representatives from the timber, oil, coal and gas industries, as well as legislators.  At the present time, it is clear that more discussion, research and coordination need to be done on WNS and the other outside factors that are impacting our bat populations, as well as how we can craft solutions that protect bats without threatening the industries that employ thousands of Pennsylvanians.

“As the Commonwealth agency charged with protecting and conserving wild birds and mammals, we have an obligation to all Pennsylvanians to manage both game and nongame species,” Roe said. “While we rely on sound science to guide our actions, we also consider public input and the resulting impacts of our actions. We look forward to working with concerned parties on both sides of the issue.”

A copy of Roe’s testimony is available online.

Rep. John Evans (R-Erie) serves as Majority Chair of the Committee and Rep. Edward Staback (D-Luzerne) serves as Minority Chair.


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