Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Corbett's Staff Salary Increases Anger State Managers

According to a story in the Harrisburg Patriot-News Friday reprinted here in part, some managers in the state workforce are seeing red these days over the indiscriminate way Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration doles out hefty raises.

The latest kick in the gut is the $10,000 raises that Corbett handed out to four of his top aides last month.

Corbett raised the salaries of his deputy chiefs of staff Luke Bernstein and E. Christopher Abruzzo and secretary of policy and planning Jennifer Branstetter, to $145,018. He also increased the pay of the secretary of legislative affairs post, now held by Christopher Carusone, to that same level.

Governor’s spokesman Kevin Harley said those salary adjustments were made at the recommendation of Corbett’s chief of staff Steve Aichele who, after reviewing the senior staff’s responsibilities and duties, thought the senior staffers’ pay should be equalized. The raises for those four bring them up to the salary that Harley earns as communications director and press secretary.

“These are people that are at the highest level of the administration,” Harley said. “They are not 9-to-5 jobs. They are 24/7 kind of jobs. They are high stress, high burnout positions.”

Click Here for the full Patriot story.

            NewsClips: Corbett Staff Raises Anger State Managers

                                Corbett Gives Raises To Top Aides

                               Top Corbett Staffers Get 5 Figure Raises


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