American Water Works Assn Sponsors Marcellus Shale Webcast Nov. 14

The American Water Works Association will host a webinar entitled, “What the Frack?  The Real Deal With Fracking and the Water Industry,” November 14 starting at 11:00 a.m.

This webcast will capture multiple sides of the issue –presenting facts about the fracking processes and multiple experiences from the utility side and the energy facets. This webcast is perfect for utility staff who have limited background on the process, controversies and/or issues about fracking. 

The webcast will feature three speakers--

-- John Satterfield, Director of Environmental and Regulatory Affairs, Chesapeake Energy Corporation;

-- Dr. Van Brahana, Professor Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas; and

-- Dr. Stanley States, Water Quality Manager, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority.

Participants have the option of submitting questions in advance by sending email to:

The cost of the webcast is $75 for members and $120 for nonmembers.  Click Here to register online.


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