DCNR Adds Information On PA Geology To Interactive Online Map

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources has added new state geologic information to the interactive geographic information systems map.

“Visitors to our website can now see layers of information on the map such as bedrock geology, earthquake locations and magnitude, and outstanding geologic features,” Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Richard Allan said.

“With themes chosen and plotted on the map, you can scroll over and pick specific locations to get more information about geology, our state parks and forests, and recreational opportunities available throughout Pennsylvania,” Allan said.

Other geologic information includes state park geologic guides, maximum elevations by county and glacial boundaries.

Some of the state’s outstanding geologic features include:

-- Chimney Rocks in Blair County, an outcrop of finger-like spires of limestone;

-- The boulder field at Hickory Run State Park in Carbon County; and

-- The 50-foot Alpha Falls in Lawrence County where a small stream exits from a “hanging valley” into the deeper Slippery Rock Gorge.

DCNR’s Interactive Map already includes a variety of information about state parks and forests.


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