Scrapbook Photo 09/30/24 - 130 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Conservation Districts Ask For Funds To Be Restored

Gov. Tom Corbett announced his proposed FY 2013-14 state budget to members of the legislature. Part of his budget includes a 100 percent decrease in line item funding to the state’s 66 conservation districts through the Departments of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.

“The conservation districts are extremely grateful for the state funding we have received to date, but we need to maintain our funding across the state, to meet the constantly increasing demands for our services,” noted PA Association of Conservation Districts Executive Director Robert Maiden. “Declines for districts equates to less staff, less education and outreach, and minimal projects being put into practice.”

Conservation district staffs throughout Pennsylvania work to aid all sectors of the economy but most notably, they work to maintain the state’s number one industry: agriculture.

In 2008, the districts’ state line items funding level was at $5.4 million dollars. After that year, districts experienced a decline of 23 percent in state funding allotments. Last fiscal year, the districts received $4.2 million dollars in state funds through the Departmental line items.

“Agriculture is not only the number one economic driver in Pennsylvania, but it also feeds families, putting food on the table for residents across this Commonwealth,” Maiden added. “In order for conservation districts to continue supporting that effort, they need funding. PACD respectfully requests that the legislature reinstate the conservation districts’ line item funding in the FY 2013-14 budget.”  

For more information, visit the PACD website.

Editor’s Note: Act 13 Marcellus Shale drilling impact fees provide conservation districts about $5 million in 2013-- $2.5 million distributed to counties for districts from the PUC, $2.5 million to the State Conservation Commission for distribution to districts.  While cut of $3.8 million to the line items in Agriculture and DEP is less than the $5 million in Act 13 fees districts are proposed to get, the impact on individual county districts will vary.  Some may get less, some may get more that if the line items were made whole.


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