Register Now For PA Watershed Conference April 5-6

Detailed information on the agenda and presenters is now available for the PA Watershed Conference to be held on April 5-6 in State College.  The theme of the Conference is Advocate, Communicate, Transform!

Can a state have a more valuable asset than copious amounts of clean water? Pennsylvania is fortunate in its miles and miles of rivers, streams and creeks and its many groups and individuals who are clean water watchdogs.

Members of watershed associations, sportsmen’s clubs, Trout Unlimited chapters, and the many other champions who work daily to protect the great natural beauty of Pennsylvania’s waters are the people we hope to see at this Conference!

The PA Watershed Conference is a gathering where we will celebrate the good work being done by our water watchdogs, learn from each other how best to solve the myriad of challenges facing clean water advocates, hear from experts in advocacy, and build collective solutions to shared challenges.

Sponsored by the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds, the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University, the PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers, and the Colcom Foundation; and guided by a steering committee composed of representatives of Trout Unlimited, the Eastern and Western Pennsylvania Coalitions for Abandoned Mine Reclamation, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, and the Fayette County Conservation District, this Conference is a time for fellowship, learning and optimism!

Join us as we welcome keynote speaker Josh McNeil of the PA League of Conservation Voters who will tell us about current issues and how to best take action! Nationally recognized expert on nonprofit advocacy, Marcia Avner, will share time-tested principles of effective advocacy.

Ten workshops present a variety of opportunities for gathering new information about environmental issues or helping to further your effectiveness as an advocate or board member or environmental champion.

Take a look at the speakers’ list – you’ll recognize more than a few as your long-time allies and friends. Begin to consider the hard choice of which two you will attend.

You will miss an opportunity if you’re not in State College the first weekend in April as together we Advocate, Communicate and Transform (ACT!) the future for Pennsylvania’s critical water resources and the people who depend on them for life and happiness.

Click Here to register now. For more information, visit the PA Watershed Conference webpage.


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