PPL Electric Rate To Decrease On March 1

PPL Electric Utilities will change its generation service charge on March 1 based on the latest costs to supply service to customers who do not choose an alternative supplier in the competitive power market.

The utility’s generation and transmission rates combined make up the “price to compare” for the purposes of shopping among alternative suppliers.

For residential customers, the new price to compare will be 7.237 cents per kilowatt-hour, down from 7.544 cents per kilowatt-hour currently.

The components of the price to compare make up more than 60 percent of the typical residential monthly bill for non-shopping customers. The price to compare does not include the distribution charges, which apply to all customers and cover the company’s costs to deliver power and provide customer service.

For small business customers, the new price to compare will increase to 10.814 cents per kilowatt-hour, up from 10.206 cents per kilowatt-hour currently. A full list of PPL Electric Utilities’ new rates for all rate classes can be found at www.pplelectric.com/choice.

The small decrease to the price to compare for residential customers for the March through May period is due to lower market prices for power supply.

PPL Electric Utilities adjusts its generation rates and prices to compare for residential and small business customers every three months to reflect the cost of power purchases and adjustments based on customer use in the prior period. The generation rate for large industrial customers is based on hourly market prices. The company’s price to compare is updated on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 each year.

PPL Electric Utilities does not profit on the generation portion of customers’ bills. It merely passes along the cost of that supply to customers without markup. PPL Electric Utilities’ primary focus is on electric delivery, billing and customer service.

PPL Electric Utilities encourages its customers to seek opportunities to save on power supply costs by shopping for deals with competitive electric suppliers. A list of state-licensed suppliers and their offer prices are available from the PUC’s website, www.papowerswitch.com.

About 40 suppliers are serving the residential market in PPL Electric Utilities’ service area.

More than 619,000 PPL Electric Utilities customers, or 43 percent of all customers, have already shopped and obtain their power from other suppliers. More than 74 percent of the total amount of energy delivered by PPL Electric Utilities comes from alternative suppliers, including almost all power used by large commercial and industrial customers.


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