Penn State Extension: What's Your Groundwater Awareness?

National groundwater awareness week is March 10-16 and this year’s theme is “Groundwater Awareness is Important to You!” Groundwater is important to every person, and there is something every person can do to be a good groundwater steward.

Taking just a step or two to protect groundwater can make a big difference. For example, how you store, use, and dispose of hazardous household substances can affect groundwater quality. In the same manner, whether you regularly maintain your water well or septic system, or properly decommission an abandoned well can impact the groundwater that serves as someone’s water supply.

In addition to privately owned wells, many public water systems use groundwater.  For those in water scarce areas, a big part of groundwater protection is using groundwater wisely and not wasting it.

Water wells can provide an excellent supply of good quality water. For generations they have been the only water source for millions of Americans. That’s why it’s important to learn more about how issues such as water well flooding, abandoned water wells, naturally occurring contamination, and poor well maintenance can impact groundwater quality. 

In Pennsylvania, only about half of all private well owners have ever had their drinking water tested. So, it is important that if you have a private well or spring as your drinking water source, that you have it tested annually to be sure it meets drinking water standards.

The National Groundwater Association’s website provides action steps people can take for groundwater protection and groundwater conservation.

Penn State Extension also provides educational materials targeted at Pennsylvania water well and spring owners. These are available from your local Extension office or at the Water Resources website.


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