PPL Holtwood Bald Eagle Monitoring Program Honored

In recognition of the development and successful implementation of the bald eagle monitoring and management plan during its expansion project, PPL Holtwood on Tuesday  received an Outstanding Steward of America’s Waters award from the National Hydropower Association.

“This award is a testament to all PPL Holtwood and Engineering and Construction employees, and key partner Kleinschmidt Associates, who have thoughtfully and systematically found an innovative way to protect and support the bald eagle population in Lancaster and York counties,” said Chris Porse, site supervisor for PPL Holtwood.

The award, nationally competitive and granted by a diverse panel of judges, was presented during the National Hydropower Association’s annual conference in Washington, D.C.  Porse and Dale Zeisloft, senior project manager for PPL Generation, accepted the award on behalf of PPL.

“Leading through example, PPL Holtwood has raised the bar on excellence for the entire industry,” said Linda Church Ciocci, executive director of the association.  “The efforts they have put into their project is not only worthy of the prestigious OSAW award, but is emblematic of the commitment our industry has made to enhance the communities and ecosystems of which we are a part.”

Said Porse, “This award also celebrates the strong working relationships we have with our local and state agencies and stakeholders.”

Since the mid-1980s, the area around the Holtwood hydroelectric plant has been home to several breeding pairs of bald eagles. The bald eagle is a threatened species in Pennsylvania and is federally protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

In 2009, PPL started its expansion project to enhance fish passage and to increase the generating capacity of its Holtwood plant from 107 megawatts to 232 megawatts. Construction activities included drilling, blasting, and excavation of the tailrace channel, river channel and in the area of the new powerhouse.

To protect the bald eagles from potential negative consequences due to construction activities, PPL Holtwood worked with Kleinschmidt Associates, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Game Commission to develop a bald eagle management and monitoring plan.

This site-specific and adaptive management plan included blasting and construction limitations within the specific range of an eagles nest during nesting season; phased construction activities; visual, acoustic and seismic monitoring 30 minutes before and after each blast; noise restrictions at the nest; and installation of bald eagle global positioning system transmitters on two juvenile eagles to gather data on nesting habits during construction.

“The results from these studies have produced new information about the tolerance of bald eagles to construction activities,” said Porse. “This information will assist regulators, consultants and other companies so that they can help protect this iconic symbol of the United States.”


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