Here are NewsClips on watershed topics from around the state--
Johnstown: 3 Major Floods Aids In Response
Other Watershed NewsClips
EPA: Susquehanna Not Impaired, But Not Unimpaired Either
EPA Does Not List Lower Susquehanna River As Impaired, Yet
SRBC Defends Role In Overseeing Water Quantity
Dealing With Sediment At The Conowingo Dam
Students Release Trout In The Classroom Fish
Ten Mile Creek Acid Mine Drainage Prompts Lawmaker Letter
UDC Opposes DEP Anti-Degradation Policy For Onlot Systems
Dam Removal Project On Little Lehigh
Wissahickon Watershed Assn Picks Up Trash
Sugar Valley Watershed Assn Receives Grant
21 Years Later, DEP Has A Plan To Cleanup Lancaster Stream
Camp Hill Borough Fined $140K By DEP
DEP: Camp Hill Bypassed Sewage Stations 95 Times
Planning To Develop Lower Schuylkill River