Survey: Wildlife Watching Tops Fishing Or Hunting In PA Economic Contributions

The 2011 National Survey of Anglers, Hunters and Wildlife Watchers found that 4.6 million Pennsylvania residents and non-residents (16 years and older) fished, hunted or wildlife watched in Pennsylvania.

Of the total number, 1.1 million fished, 775,000 hunted and 809,000 observed, fed and/or photographed wildlife away from home. Another 3.2 million observed, fed and/or photographed wildlife around the home.

From 2001 to 2011, the number of anglers, hunters and away-from-home wildlife watchers decreased 13 percent, 23 percent and 37 percent, respectively.

In-state expenditure from 2001 to 2011 decreased among anglers and hunters by 34 percent and 19 percent, respectively, but increased among wildlife watchers by 4 percent.

In 2011, total expenditures all three activities was $2,6 bullion-- fishing $485.4 million, hunting $970.5 million and wildlife watching $1.2 billion.

In 2001, total expenditures for all three activities was $2.8 billion-- fishing $762.2 million, hunting $901.1 million and wildlife watching $1.2 billion.  (Click Here for a copy of the survey.)

The Survey is conducted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Census Bureau and was reported by the Center for Rural Pennsylvania in their July/August newsletter.

A copy of the Pennsylvania portion of the survey is available online.  Detailed results from past surveys are also available online.


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