Calendar Of Events
Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW means new from last week. Go to the online Calendar webpage. Click on Agenda Released on calendar entries to see the NEW meeting agendas published this week. July 24-- DEP Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee meeting. 12th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. July 24-- Agenda. DCNR Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice) August 1-- Agenda. DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:15. August 8-- CANCELED. DEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. Next scheduled meeting September 26. August 13-- State Board for the Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators meeting. 10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. August 13-- DCNR Wild Resource Conservation Program holds a hearing on grant funding in FY 2013-14. 6th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice) August 13-- Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission holds a hearing on revisions to pollution control standards related to mixing zones. Airport Holiday Inn, 1717 Airport Exchange Blvd., Erlanger, KY. 4:30. (formal notice and background information) August 14-- DEP Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:30. August 14-15-- Agenda. DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board Act 13 drilling regulation update subcommittee meetings on public resource protection, pre-hydraulic fracturing assessment, waste management at well sites and water supply restoration standards. Nittany Room, Ramada Inn State College, 1450 South Atherton Street, State College. 10:00 August 14, 8:30 August 15. (formal notice) August 15-- Susquehanna River Basin Commission holds a hearing on 2013 update of the basin comprehensive plan. Room 8E-B East Wing, Capitol Building, Harrisburg. 3:00. (formal notice) August 20-- Environmental Quality Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. August 21-- DEP Agricultural Advisory Board meeting. Susquehanna Room A, DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 10:00. September 13-- Senate Game and Fisheries Committee holds a hearing on elk management and the 100th anniversary of the reintroduction of elk into Pennsylvania. Elk County Visitors Center, Benezette. 2:00. September 18-19-- DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board Act 13 drilling regulation update subcommittee meetings on public resource protection, pre-hydraulic fracturing assessment, waste management at well sites and water supply restoration standards.Room 105, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg. 10:00 September 18, 8:30 September 19. (formal notice) DEP Calendar of Events [Visit DEP’s new and improved Calendar] Note: The Environmental Education Workshop Calendar is no longer available from the PA Center for Environmental Education because funding for the Center was eliminated in the FY 2011-12 state budget. The PCEE website was also shutdown, but some content was moved to the PA Association of Environmental Educators' website. Senate Committee Schedule House Committee Schedule You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online. |
7/22/2013 |
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