August Environmental Synopsis Now Available From Joint Conservation Committee

The August issue of the Environmental Synopsis newsletter from the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee is now available.

This issue includes stories on Pennsylvania’s Mine Map Atlas, FracFocus website on chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, processed coal ash composite used as a fuel, Tier 3 vehicle and gasoline standards and much more.

Environmental Issues Forums

The Committee has scheduled two Environmental Issues Forums in September and October--

-- September 30: Featuring a presentation by Dr. David J. Nowak, Ph.D, project leader for the USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station, will discuss the agency’s innovative “i-Tree” program and how communities can get help in planning how best to make the “urban forest” work for them.  Room G-50 Irvis Building.  Noon.

-- October 21: Featuring a presentation by Pennsylvania hydro-geologist Bruce Leavitt will discuss his “back to the future” technology – known as “trompe” technology, dating back to the 16th century - that has been rediscovered and is being used to remediate acid mine drainage in an energy saving, costefficient and effective way.  LTBD.  Noon.

Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R-Venango) serves as Chair of the Joint Committee.


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