Scrapbook Photo 02/24/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW means new from last week.  Go to the online Calendar webpage.

Click on Agenda Released on calendar entries to see the NEW meeting agendas published this week.

September 16-- House Democratic Policy Committee holds a hearing on energy.  Jefferson Volunteer Fire Company, 1483 Jefferson Road, Jefferson, Greene County.  2:00.

September 17-- House Game and Fisheries and Environmental Resources and Energy Committees hold a hearing on House Bill 1576 (Pyle-R-Armstrong) fundamentally changing the way threatened and endangered species are listed in PA-- summary of first hearing.  Indiana University- Northpointe, 167 Northpointe Blvd., Building 167, Room 129, Indiana, Pa. 10:00.

September 17-- Agenda ReleasedEnvironmental Quality Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.

September 17-- Agenda Released. DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  11:00.  Joint meeting with Environmental Justice Advisory Board- 12:30.

September 17 -- Agenda Released.  DEP Board of Coal Mine Safety meeting. DEP Mine Rescue Training Facility, 286 Industrial Park Road, Ebensburg. 10:00.

September 17-- Times/Locations Updated. Agenda Released. DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board meeting.  2nd Floor Training Room, Rachel Carson Building-- 8:30, Room 105 Rachel Carson Building-- 11:00.

September 18-- NEW. House Appropriations Committee holds a hearing on the return on investment in agricultural and environmental programs.  Adams County Agriculture Building, Old Harrisburg Road, Gettysburg. 8:30.

September 18-19-- CANCELED. DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board Act 13 drilling regulation update subcommittee meetings on public resource protection, pre-hydraulic fracturing assessment, waste management at well sites and water supply restoration standards.Room 105, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg. The next scheduled meeting of the Board is December 4. (formal notice) (cancellation notice)

September 19-- Susquehanna River Basin Commission meeting.  Binghamton State Office Building, 18th Floor, 44 Hawley St., Binghamton, NY. 9:00.  (formal notice)

September 19-20-- NEW. Agenda. Chesapeake Bay Commission meeting/field trips.  The Gettysburg Hotel, One Lincoln Square, Gettysburg.  Click Here for available handouts.

September 24-- NEW. Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee holds a hearing on the nomination of Gladys Brown for appointment to the PUC.  Room 461. 12:00.

September 25-- NEW. DCNR Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.  (formal notice)

September 26-- Agenda Released. DEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee and Recycling Fund Advisory Committee joint meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00..  (formal notice)

September 30-- Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee will feature Dr. David J. Nowak, Ph.D, project leader for the USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station, will discuss the agency’s innovative “i-Tree” program and how communities can get help in planning how best to make trees work for them.  Room G-50 Irvis Building, Noon.

October 4-- DEP Low-Level Radioactive Waste Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.

October 8-- DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee meeting Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  10:00.

October 8-- NEW. DEP Technical Advisory Committee on Diesel-Powered Equipment meeting. Fayette County Health Center, Uniontown.  10:00.

October 10-- NEW. DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:15.

October 15-- NEW. Environmental Quality Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  9:00.

October 15-- NEW. DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 11:00.

October 16-- NEW. DEP Agricultural Advisory Board meeting.  Susquehanna Room A, DEP Southcentral Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 10:00.

October 16-- NEW. DEP State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators meeting.  10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

October 17-- NEW. DEP Radiation Protection Advisory Committee meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.

October 18-- CANCELED. Senate and House Game and Fisheries Committees hold a joint hearing on use of Lake Erie permit funds and Fish and Boat Commission fee expansions.  Erie Yacht Club, 1 Ravine Drive, Erie. 9:00.

October 21-- Environmental Issues Forum, Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee will feature Pennsylvania hydro-geologist Bruce Leavitt will discuss his “back to the future” technology – known as “trompe” technology, dating back to the 16th century - that he has rediscovered and is using to remediate acid mine drainage in an energy saving, cost-efficient and effective way. (LTBA).

October 23-- NEW. DEP Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee meeting.  12th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

October 23-- NEW. DEP Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00.

October 24-- NEW. DEP Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel carson Building. 10:00.

November 13--NEW. DEP Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting. Susquehanna Room B, DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 9:30.  (formal notice)

November 20-- CANCELED. DEP Water Resources Advisory Committee meeting has been rescheduled for November 13.  (formal notice)

DEP Calendar of Events  [Visit DEP’s new and improved Calendar]

Note: The Environmental Education Workshop Calendar is no longer available from the PA Center for Environmental Education because funding for the Center was eliminated in the FY 2011-12 state budget.  The PCEE website was also shutdown, but some content was moved to the PA Association of Environmental Educators' website.

Senate Committee Schedule                House Committee Schedule

You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.


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