DCNR Seeks Nominations For 2014 Trail Of The Year

Pennsylvanians are being asked to nominate their favorite trail for the 2014 Trail of the Year, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Acting Secretary Ellen Ferretti announced Tuesday.  Nominations are due December 1.

This new designation is being coordinated by DCNR’s Pennsylvania Trails Advisory Committee to elevate public awareness of the thousands of miles of trails available for public enjoyment in Pennsylvania.

“Whether your favorite trail is a 3-mile loop close to home, or a much longer trek through a remote state park or forest, this is your chance to share why it’s special,” Ferretti said.  “We are so fortunate to have a fantastic and diverse system of trails in Pennsylvania and we want everyone to realize the opportunities they provide for healthy outdoor activities and to enjoy nature and the boost trails give to the economies of local communities.”

To honor the Trail of the Year, the advisory committee and DCNR will create a commemorative poster for statewide distribution.

The Trail of the Year will be announced in early 2014.

The Pennsylvania Trails Advisory Committee includes different types of trail users, builders and advocates, and persons with disabilities.  The committee’s responsibilities are to advise DCNR on the use of trail funding in Pennsylvania; review and rank trail project applications; and present an annual report to the secretary on trail activities.

Nomination packets including a description of the trail and information on history, benefits and future promotion must be submitted to: roprunty@pa.gov.  For more information on the nomination process or on trails, visit the 2014 Trail of the Year webpage.

Visit the Explore PA Trails website to find out about the 476 trails covering more than 10,000 miles in Pennsylvania.


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