Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--


Slag Recycling: House Bill 1527 (Evankovich-R-Armstrong) providing for the reuse of steel blast furnace slag was passed by the House and now goes to the Senate for action.  A summary and House Fiscal Note are available.  NewsClip: House OKs Bill To Recycle Steel Slag

Land Preservation: House Bill 1523 (Toepel-R-Montgomery) further providing for land preservation by local governments was removed from the Table, referred into and out of the House Appropriations Committee and passed by the House.  The bill now goes to the Senate for action.  A summary and House Fiscal Note are available.

Energy Efficient Technology: House Bill 1672 (R.Miller-R-York) providing for the testing of new, environmentally beneficial and energy efficient technologies-- summary-- was reported out of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and Tabled.

Recycling: House Resolution 425 (R.Miller-R-York) urging the DEP to review its recycling programs and make recommendations for improvement was amended and reported out of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee and Tabled.

Geospatial Council: House Bill 1285 (Cutler-R-Lancaster) establishing the State Geospatial Coordination Board was amended and reported out of the House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee and Tabled.


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