PPL E-PowerWise Program Helps Families Save Electricity, Water

Income-qualified families in Harrisburg are learning how to save big on their utility bills while conserving energy and water, thanks to PPL Electric Utilities’ E-PowerWise Program.

PPL Electric Utilities has provided the E-PowerWise program to more than 10,000 families in 26 counties in central and eastern Pennsylvania through the help of community-based organizations.

To date, the program has saved enough electricity to power 421 single-family homes, enough water to supply the demands of 386,687 Americans, and greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 638 passenger vehicles for one year.

The free program educates families and individuals on the importance of conserving energy. It is designed to empower families to take control of their energy and water use, while saving money in the process.

Each E-PowerWise participant receives an Easy Savings Kit with a quick-start guide that contains energy-saving tips and instructs them how to use the kit. The kit contains compact fluorescent light bulbs, a high-efficiency showerhead, faucet aerators, a digital thermometer and a nightlight.

“The E-PowerWise Program helps families understand their energy and water usage, and that simple actions can result in a lower utility bill,” said Sharon Fraser, a customer programs specialist with the utility. “In income-qualified homes, the utility bill is often more than 20 percent of a household’s income. PPL Electric Utilities has been running this program for three years, and it has resulted in the savings of millions of kilowatt-hours of electricity.”

Income-qualified families and individuals in the PPL Electric Utilities service territory are eligible to participate. The program is offered by 25 agencies in Pennsylvania, including the Harrisburg-based Community Action Commission.

“This is such a great program, and it really helps those families who need it the most,” said Jennifer Wintermeyer, manager for the Community Action Commission. “Each participant makes a commitment to save energy and demonstrate savings. On average, our participants are seeing savings of $360 per year on their energy bills.”

The commission and PPL Electric Utilities will celebrate the program and National Energy Awareness Month on October 17.

Resource Action Programs of Nevada developed the E-PowerWise Program, which achieves significant energy and water savings goals as required by Pennsylvania Act 129. Phase I of Act 129 began in 2010 and was completed in May.  Phase II began in June and will end in May 2016.

For more information on other organizations participating in the E-PowerWise program, call PPL Electric Utilities at (888) 647-3831, or visit the E-PowerWise website.


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