Stroud Center Hosts Forest Riparian Buffer/Stream Ecology 101 Nov. 5 & 7
The Stroud Water Research Center will host two workshops on Forest Riparian Buffer/Stream Ecology 101 on November 5 and 7 from 9:30 to 3:00 at 970 Spencer Road, Avondale, Pa. Did you know-- — A forested stream will remove 2-8 times more nitrogen that an equal length of grass buffered stream; — Forested buffered streams treat point and non-point pollution; — The pollution remediation that happens directly in a forested stream may equal the pollution preventing function of the forested buffer; and — The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program can restore buffers at a net profit to the landowner of $2000/$4000 per acre. These sessions will help participants understand these and other benefits of buffers and are suitable for anyone who has an interest in water quality from interns to heads of departments. Dr. Bern Sweeney will present an introduction to the Stroud Center followed by a lecture on stream ecology and ecological services as related to forested riparian buffers. Lamonte Garber, CBF, and Matt Ehrhart, Stroud, will discuss strategies for bringing buffers to new audiences and integrating buffers into pollution reduction projects in ways that deliver more benefits per dollar. There will then be a tour of the Stroud Research Lab and lunch. After lunch there will be a brief update from David Wise, Stroud, on forest buffer concerns and opportunities and then visit research projects within walking distance of the Center and the new Environmental Ed. Building. This will be followed with a discussion of your questions and concerns. There is no cost to the participant for this session that includes lunch. The programs can accommodate up to 50 people each. The sessions are sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, DCNR’s Bureau of Forestry and the Stroud Water Research Center. To RSVP, send an email to Richard Shockey, DCNR Bureau of Forestry, at: withe information on which session you want to attend, your name, title, phone and email address. Links: Update On CBF Activities In PA By Harry Campbell, PA Office Director |
10/28/2013 |
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