Dept. Of Drug & Alcohol Programs Urges Participation In Drug Take-Back Programs

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs Thursday reminded Pennsylvanians to turn in their expired, unused or unwanted prescriptions at collections sites statewide as part of National Drug Take Back Day events this week.

"Drug take back programs are imperative to safeguarding public health and reducing the threat of prescription drug abuse and dependence," said Secretary of Drug and Alcohol Programs Gary Tennis. "By turning in old and unwanted prescriptions through these free and anonymous services, Pennsylvanians can play an essential role in reducing misuse and overdoses."

The Drug Enforcement Administration and its national, tribal and community partners established the National Drug Take Back Day initiative seven years ago to give the public the opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of unwanted and potentially dangerous prescription drugs.

Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet.

"Committed to combating this issue and protecting Pennsylvania public health, Governor Corbett proposed a permanent drug collection boxes program in his Healthy Pennsylvania initiative," Tennis said. "A permanent take back program will give Pennsylvanians a safe and secure way to dispose unused prescription medications any day of the year."

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association are partnering together to establish this statewide Prescription Drug Collection Box Program.

Applications are currently being reviewed by DDAP, PCCD and PDAA with the goal of distributing funding for 250 drug collection boxes to be placed within local police stations statewide.

In addition to the DEA's drug take back events, the Pennsylvania Capitol Police will be taking back prescription drugs on October 25 at the main Capitol complex as well as various state agency locations in Harrisburg. For additional information, including drop off locations and times, call 717-705-0504.

For more information, visit the DEA National Take Bay Collection Day webpage to  find DEA collection sites in your zip code or call 1-800-882-9539.

NewsClip: Windfall Of Prescription Drug Turn-Ins Expected


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