Pittsburgh Litterbugs Beware! Litter Hotline Established

The PA Resources Council  has partnered with the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police to pilot a new Don't Trash My Turf! Litter Hotline that will enable citizens to report incidences of trash being tossed from vehicles onto the streets of Pittsburgh.

Don't Trash My Turf! encourages individuals to take ownership of their "turf" and keep it litter-free.

Residents can report littering incidents by calling the hotline at 412-431-4534 or by completing a form online.

Upon receipt of the report the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police will send a letter to the registered owner of the vehicle alerting the owner that this action was observed and that littering in the City of Pittsburgh is a violation under Section 3709 of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code.

Dropping, throwing or depositing litter upon any highway can result in a fine of up to $300.

It's everyone's job to help keep our streets, neighborhoods and cities litter-free. To find out how you can join the fight against litter or for more information on the DTMT Litter Hotline, please visit the Don't Trash My Turf! website, connect on Facebook or call 412-488-7490 ext. 105.

Don't Trash My Turf! is a project of the PA Resources Council and is made possible by a grant from  the Colcom Foundation


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