Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Registration Open For Annual Statewide Brownfields Conference Dec. 9-11

The Department of Environmental Protection Monday reminded private developers, economic development professionals and government officials to register for the annual Pennsylvania Brownfields Conference, to be held December 9-11, at the Radisson Valley Forge Hotel, King of Prussia.

The conference, hosted by DEP, in partnership with the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania, is the largest brownfields networking and education event in Pennsylvania.

The theme of this year’s conference, “Positioning for the Future,” will highlight building community partnerships, incorporating sustainable design into projects, accessing financial assistance and keeping abreast of regulatory changes.

New to this year’s conference will be an optional opportunity to meet with the directors of DEP’s regional offices and members of their environmental cleanup and local government staff.

Brownfields are properties that are in need of expansion, redevelopment or reuse, but because of actual or anticipated hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants, that work is made more challenging.

Pennsylvania’s approach to brownfields redevelopment has proven to be a national model for transforming abandoned, idle properties into places of environmental protection and economic opportunity.

To register for the conference, or to view a full list of presentations and speakers, visit the Brownfields Conference webpage or call 717-783-1566.


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