Scrapbook Photo 01/27/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Crisci Associates: PA Environment Digest Tops 5,000 Online Subscribers

The PA Environment Digest, the weekly online newsletter of record covering environmental issues in Pennsylvania, reached a major milestone of over 5,000 email subscribers this week, according to David E. Hess, editor of the Digest and former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

“We are very pleased the online community we created with the Digest has expanded steadily to now include so many members,” said Hess.  “Our weekly Digest, and associated blog and Twitter feed, help keep those interested in environmental issues in Pennsylvania informed about legislation, regulations and issues the public should have a role in shaping.

“One of the strengths of the Digest is the information we receive and share from groups and companies all over the state showcasing their successes in restoring their watersheds, preventing pollution and reducing energy costs as well as promoting the events they hold,” Hess explained.  “Educating the public about the positive things going on to protect and restore the environment I’ve found prompts others to do the same.

“We started publishing the Digest in May of 2004 and our past issues are a great way to do research and get background on environmental issues in Pennsylvania over the last nine years,” said Hess.  “We’ve posted over 27,000 articles over the last nine years you can search by topics, counties or keyword to get the information you need.”

The Digest includes information on legislation moving through the General Assembly, when DEP advisory committees are meeting and on what issues so groups and individuals can have an impact on policy and regulatory development, when grant and award applications are due, links to news stories from around the state and much more.

The Digest was the winner of the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators’ 2009 Business Partner of the Year Award which recognizes outstanding contributions by individuals, programs and businesses to the field of environmental education.

“We have no doubt the Digest community will continue to grow and share information about environmental issues that affect us all,” said Hess.

The PA Environment Digest is a free service of Crisci Associates, a Harrisburg-based government and public affairs firm whose clients include Fortune 500 companies and non-profit organizations.

For more information, visit or

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PA Environment Digest now has a Google+ Circle called Green Works In PA.  Just go to your Google+ page and search for, the email for the Digest Editor David Hess,  and let us join your Circle.

Google+ now combines all the news you now get through the PA Environment Digest, Weekly, Blog, Twitter and Video sites into one resource.

You’ll receive as-it-happens postings on Pennsylvania environmental news, daily NewsClips and links to the weekly Digest and videos. 

Also take advantage of these related services from Crisci Associates--

PA Environment Digest Twitter Feed:  On Twitter, sign up to receive instant updates from: PAEnviroDigest.

PA Environment Daily Blog: provides daily environmental NewsClips and significant stories and announcements on environmental topics in Pennsylvania of immediate value.  Sign up and receive as they are posted updates through your favorite RSS reader.  You can also sign up for a once daily email alerting you to new items posted on this blog.

PA Capitol Digest Daily Blog to get updates every day on Pennsylvania State Government, including NewsClips, coverage of key press conferences and more. Sign up and receive as they are posted updates through your favorite RSS reader.  You can also sign up for a once daily email alerting you to new items posted on this blog.

PA Capitol Digest Twitter Feed: Don't forget to sign up to receive the PA Capitol Digest Twitter feed to get instant updates on other news from in and around the Pennsylvania State Capitol.


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