Scrapbook Photo 12/23/24 - 125 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Armstrong Conservation District Hosts Jan. 25 Volunteer Workshop

The Armstrong County Conservation District and the Appalachian Coal Country Team will be providing a volunteer workshop to build the capacity of nonprofit organizations in Armstrong County to encourage and better management volunteers on January 25.

The workshop will be held at 124 Armsdale Administrative Building, Kittanning starting at 10:00 a.m.

Participants will learn now to foster sustainable volunteer management programs, strengthen partnerships, build coalitions, and increase volunteer recruitment and retention.  You will also receive six months of provided support, were ACCT will assist each organization throughout the implementation of their volunteer management plans.

Support includes a tool kit of 25 different volunteer practices that work, with a dozen worksheets, templates and checklists that any small community will find useful as they begin a project or as they carry that project out to success.  Direct contact to assist your organizations including phone calls, email communications, and visits if necessary.

Space is limited.  No more than 2 people per organization should attend. Please RSVP to Chelsea Walker at 724-545-3658 or send email to:


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