Scrapbook Photo 01/13/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee Meets Dec. 5

The DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet on December 5 to continue its consideration of industry sector work plans making recommendations on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Pennsylvania.

The work plans to be discussed include: Cutting Emissions from Freight Transportation; Demand Side Management; Energy Efficient Appliances; Geothermal Heating and Cooling; Heating Oil Conservation and Fuel Switching; Improved Efficiency at Wastewater Treatment Plants; Industrial Electricity BMPs; Lost and Unaccounted for Natural Gas from Distribution; Reducing Methane Leakage from NG Infrastructure; Reforestation Work Plan; and Revised MSW for Beneficial Use WP.

The meeting will be held in Room 105 Rachel Carson Building starting at 10:00.

Copies of these and the other work plans considered by the Committee are available online.


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