Secretary Ferretti Provides Highlights Of 2013 DCNR Accomplishments

DCNR Secretary Ellen Ferretti published a special message in the January 8 DCNR Resource newsletter reviewing the highlights of her agency’s accomplishments during 2013.  The following is the text of that message--

As 2013 came to a close, I was honored to be nominated by Gov. Tom Corbett and confirmed as the fifth secretary of DCNR. I am proud to be leading such a great agency with so many dedicated professionals.

With collective hard work from each and every DCNR employee, the department stayed focused on its mission, focused on the notion that conservation benefits Pennsylvania’s natural resources, citizens, economy, health and quality of life.

We have many achievements and accomplishments to take pride in as we look back on 2013, including:

-- The return of the fountain at Point State Park in Pittsburgh, giving residents and visitors a chance to reflect on the history of the park and its iconic role in the city, enjoy nature and be reminded of the city’s strength and vitality.

-- Assistance in wildfire suppression in Pennsylvania and in 10 other states, as 140 of our staff—brave men and women—went mostly to the western part of the country to aid in battling wildfires.

-- The resolution of a lengthy lawsuit through a settlement with CONSOL Energy, Inc. to restore the dam at Duke Lake at Ryerson Station State Park, as well as adding acreage to the park.

-- Deployment of the innovative “story maps” as a way to use technology to reach new visitors and excite them about fall foliage spots; must-see parks and geologic wonders; locations of notable design and architecture our system; and more.

-- Our interactive maps were expanded in 2013 to include information for people with disabilities and grant project information across the state.

-- A focused program to try to protect the towering hemlocks in Cook Forest and Clear Creek state parks from the pervasive insect threat of hemlock woolly adelgid.

The many additional accomplishments of the department are reflected in this end-of-the-year report [arranged by the agency’s major strategic objectives--

-- Pursue Excellence in State Park, Forest Land Management;

-- Promote Responsible Stewardship of the Commonwealth’s Natural Resources;

-- Improve Communities Through Access To Conservation and Recreation Resources; and

-- Operate Effectively and Efficiently.]

On behalf of the Corbett Administration and the staff here at DCNR, we are looking forward to 2014 as another year for tremendous achievements in conservation and recreation and service to the Commonwealth.

Best wishes for a healthy and happy new year,

Ellen Ferretti, Secretary


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